Commit be296a1a authored by Pietro Albini's avatar Pietro Albini

Don't hardcode our test instance URL in the comments

parent 568ebf79
...@@ -182,7 +182,8 @@ class TestsManager: ...@@ -182,7 +182,8 @@ class TestsManager:
self.branches[branch].deploy() self.branches[branch].deploy()
self.instances.load_branch(self.branches[branch]) self.instances.load_branch(self.branches[branch])
self.gitlab.post_comment(obj["id"], "Istanza live per il branch " self.gitlab.post_comment(obj["id"],
"**%s** disponibile sul [server di test]" "L'istanza live per il branch **%s** è ora "
"(" "[disponibile](%s/%s/)." %
% (branch, branch)) (branch, self.config["base-url"], branch)
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