Commit e7aec292 authored by Leo Iannacone's avatar Leo Iannacone

Merge remote-tracking branch 'github/master' into portable

parents 8f5081b2 f364d1f8
debomatic-webui user configuration
Init some values, do not touch these
config = {}
config.debomatic = {}
config.web = {}
config.web.debomatic = {}
config.web.debomatic.admin = {}
config.web.debomatic.dput = {}
config.web.file = {}
config.web.preferences = {}
Configure host and port
### = "localhost"
config.port = 3000
Deb-O-Matic settings
config.debomatic.path = "/srv/debomatic-amd64"
config.debomatic.jsonfile = "/var/log/debomatic-json.log"
Web template configuration
Title and description for the header
config.web.debomatic.architecture = "amd64"
config.web.title = "Deb-o-Matic " + config.web.debomatic.architecture
Admin email and name to show in the home page.
For the email address please use the SPAMFREE form "you AT host DOT org",
it will be converted client side by javascript
### = "you AT debian DOT org" = "Your Name"
Configuration of dput to show in the home page.
config.web.debomatic.dput.incoming = config.debomatic.path =
config.web.debomatic.dput.login = "debomatic"
config.web.debomatic.dput.method = "scp"
config.web.debomatic.dput.unsigned_uploads = false
List of files to get a simple preview and number of lines
to show
config.web.file.preview = ["buildlog"]
config.web.file.num_lines = 25
The default user preferences.
See /preferences page for more info
config.web.preferences.autoscroll = true
config.web.preferences.sidebar = true
config.web.preferences.glossy_theme = true
config.web.preferences.file_background = true
config.web.preferences.file_fontsize = 13 # valid values are [13..16]
config.web.preferences.debug = 0 # debug level - 0 means disabled
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
<div class="body" style="display: none">
<a id="download" class="btn btn-primary" data-trigger="hover" data-toggle="popover" title="Export to CSV" data-placement="right" data-content="Save the packages displaied in the table in format CSV. You can filter out packages by selecting distributions, a status, specifying a date or an uploader.">Download current view</a>
<a id="download" class="btn btn-primary" data-trigger="hover" data-toggle="popover" title="Export to CSV" data-placement="right" data-content="Save the packages displayed in the table in format CSV. You can filter out packages by selecting distributions, a status, specifying a date or an uploader.">Download current view</a>
<table id="history" class="tablesorter">
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