Commit 8dd02906 authored by Mattia Rizzolo's avatar Mattia Rizzolo

help shellcheck

Signed-off-by: Mattia Rizzolo's avatarMattia Rizzolo <>
parent 864aa42c
......@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ deploy_switch() {
ln -sfT "${build}" "${current}"
# Remove the oldest builds
directories=($(ls -t -d -1 "${base}/builds"/????-??-??--??-??-?? | awk "NR>${KEEP_BUILDS}"))
# shellcheck disable=2012
mapfile -t directories < <(ls -t -d -1 "${base}/builds"/????-??-??--??-??-?? | awk "NR>${KEEP_BUILDS}")
for dir in "${directories[@]}"; do
# Avoid deleting the current build
if [[ "${dir}" != "${build}" ]]; then
......@@ -16,9 +16,13 @@ fi
base="$( cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd )"
# Include all the utilities from the subfiles
# shellcheck disable=1090
. "${base}/"
# shellcheck disable=1090
. "${base}/"
# shellcheck disable=1090
. "${base}/"
# shellcheck disable=1090
. "${base}/"
unset base
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