Commit d058285c authored by Pietro Albini's avatar Pietro Albini

Improve messages on GitLab merge requests

parent 37cac7ca
......@@ -149,7 +149,10 @@ class TestsManager:
# Send an alert on the merge request, if this branch has one
if mr is not None:
self.gitlab.post_command(mr, "Istanza live aggiornata.")
self.gitlab.post_command(mr, "L'[istanza live]"
"( "
"per il branch **%s** è stata "
"aggiornata." % (branch, branch))
def _process_merge_request_hook(self, data):
"""Process a merge request hook received from GitLab"""
......@@ -158,11 +161,14 @@ class TestsManager:
# The branch was loaded but the merge request is now closed
if branch in self.branches and obj["state"] != "opened":
self.gitlab.post_comment(obj["id"], "L'istanza live per il branch "
"**%s** è stata rimossa." % branch)
self.gitlab.post_comment(obj["id"], "L'istanza è stata rimossa.")
# The instance should be created
elif branch not in self.branches and obj["state"] == "opened":
self.load_branch(branch, obj["id"])
self.gitlab.post_comment(obj["id"], "Istanza live disponibile su "
"" % branch)
self.gitlab.post_comment(obj["id"], "Istanza live per il branch "
"**%s** disponibile sul [server di test]"
% (branch, branch))
......@@ -55,4 +55,4 @@ class GitLabAPI:
def post_comment(self, id, text):
"""Post a comment on a merge request"""
return"post", "projects/%s/merge_request/%s/comments" % (
self.project, id), args={"note": text})
self.project, id), data={"note": text})
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