Commit e8436fe8 authored by Pietro Albini's avatar Pietro Albini

Move part of the configuration from bzr to this repository

parent 98b4a2ec
...@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ update: ...@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ update:
membri: membri:
@bzr branch $(REPO_URL) membri @bzr branch $(REPO_URL) membri
@ln -sf ../membri/config.ini venus/config.ini
html: html:
@rm -rf build @rm -rf build
@cat membri/config.ini config.ini > venus/config.ini
@cd venus && ./ @cd venus && ./
@cp -r theme/libs build @cp -r theme/libs build
@cp -r membri/images build @cp -r membri/images build
# Planet configuration file
# Every planet needs a [Planet] section
# name: Your planet's name
# link: Link to the main page
# owner_name: Your name
# owner_email: Your e-mail address
name = Planet Ubuntu-it
link =
owner_name = Ubuntu Italia
owner_email =
# cache_directory: Where cached feeds are stored
# new_feed_items: Number of items to take from new feeds
cache_directory = ../cache
new_feed_items = 10
log_level = DEBUG
# template_files: Space-separated list of output template files
template_files = themes/ubuntuit/index.html.tmpl themes/common/atom.xml.xslt themes/common/foafroll.xml.xslt themes/common/opml.xml.xslt themes/ubuntuit/rss20.xml.tmpl
# The following provide defaults for each template:
# output_dir: Directory to place output files
# items_per_page: How many items to put on each page
# days_per_page: How many complete days of posts to put on each page
# This is the absolute, hard limit (over the item limit)
# date_format: strftime format for the default 'date' template variable
# new_date_format: strftime format for the 'new_date' template variable
# encoding: output encoding for the file, Python 2.3+ users can use the
# special "xml" value to output ASCII with XML character references
# locale: locale to use for (e.g.) strings in dates, default is taken from your
# system
output_dir = ../build
items_per_page = 60
days_per_page = 0
date_format = %d %B %Y %H.%M
new_date_format = %d %B %Y
#encoding = UTF-8
encoding = xml
locale = it_IT.utf8
# To define a different value for a particular template you may create
# a section with the same name as the template file's filename (as given
# in template_files).
# [examples/rss10.xml.tmpl]
# items_per_page = 30
# encoding = xml
# Any other section defines a feed to subscribe to. The section title
# (in the []s) is the URI of the feed itself. A section can also be
# have any of the following options:
# name: Name of the feed (defaults to the title found in the feed)
# filter = blah (filter on keyword)
# Additionally any other option placed here will be available in
# the template (prefixed with channel_ for the Items loop). You can
# define defaults for these in a [DEFAULT] section, for example
# Planet Debian uses the following to define faces:
# facewidth = 64
# faceheight = 64
# []
# face = foo.png
# faceheight = 32
# The facewidth of the defined blog defaults to 64.
face = user.png
facewidth = 100
faceheight = 100
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