Commit 1b0e4682 authored by Mattia Rizzolo's avatar Mattia Rizzolo

reduce managetests.json to the new deplyment style I'm doing.

Signed-off-by: Mattia Rizzolo's avatarMattia Rizzolo <>
parent ae46fbb2
Pipeline #138 running with stage
"build": [
["invoke", "build"]
"before_install": [
["mkdir", "{{base}}/data"],
["virtualenv", "-p", "python3", "{{base}}/env"]
"install": [
"artifacts": "build/packages/*.whl",
"command": ["{{base}}/env/bin/pip", "install", "{{artifact}}"]
"after_install": [
["{{base}}/env/bin/uitwww", "init", "{{base}}/data"]
["./run", "build_scss"],
["{{base}}/run", "init", "{{base}}/data"]
"run": [
"{{base}}/env/bin/uitwww", "run", "-g", "{{gunicorn_config_file}}",
"{{base}}/run", "run",
"-g", "{{gunicorn_config_file}}",
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