Commit 5d053451 authored by shadMod's avatar shadMod 💬

comment st_birthtime and replaced with st_mtime - look TODO

parent 9e556584
Pipeline #362 passed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -150,7 +150,9 @@ class GetNews:
if not fmt:
fmt = "%d %B %Y - %H:%M"
_birth_time = os.stat(pathfile).st_birthtime
# TODO: st_birthtime not exist, so I use st_mtime
# _birth_time = os.stat(pathfile).st_birthtime
_birth_time = os.stat(pathfile).st_mtime
_birth_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(_birth_time).strftime(fmt)
_last_edit = os.stat(pathfile).st_mtime
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